Mustache Transplant Turkey

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A mustache transplant is a simple operation. It moves hair from the head to the upper lip to give a fuller mustache look. Usually, men who can’t grow mustaches naturally have it done. The causes can be genetic, scars, or health issues. The hair for the transplant comes from a healthy part of the scalp. Small cuts are made in the mustache area to place the hair. The change is usually permanent. Most patients see their mustache get fuller within months.

How much does mustache transplant cost in Turkey?

Mustache transplant cost Turkey 1,500 Euro. The price of a mustache transplant covers more than just the surgery. It also pays for a place to stay, someone to translate for you, rides around the city, and post-op shampoo and lotion. Plus, a private VIP car will fetch you from the airport.

Procedure – Aftercare

Process time1-3 Hours
Ideal Turkey stay duration4 days
Permanent results?lifetime
Pain intensity?Pain varies (subjective)
Operation city?Istanbul
Return to workAfter 3 days (desktop activity)
Final Resultafter 8-12 months
First wash3 days later

What is a Mustache Transplant?

A mustache transplant is an operation where hair from the back of your head is moved to your upper lip. It’s done to make the mustache look thicker and fuller. It’s a lot like a hair transplant, but uses smaller hair bits to match the upper lip hair.

Who should think about a mustache transplant?

If you’re a man with a thin or patchy mustache, or one that doesn’t grow evenly because of your genes, health problems, or a face injury, a mustache transplant might help. You should have good hair on the back of your head that doctors can use for the surgery.

RELATED: Beard Transplant

What’s the process for a facial hair transplant in Turkey?

The mustache transplant is done with local numbing and takes up to four hours. Here’s what happens:

  1. Getting Hair : A small needle takes hair from the back of your head. The hair used is picked to match your upper lip hair in texture, color, and how it grows.
  2. Ready the Hair : The hair taken is then split and made ready to be moved. It’s divided into bits of one to four hairs, depending on how thick your mustache is.
  3. Move the Hair: The hair bits are put into your upper lip with a small needle. The doctor does this carefully so the mustache looks natural.

Can you use pubic hair for beard transplant?

Yes, pubic hair can technically be used for a beard transplant. In hair transplantation, donor hair can be sourced from various parts of the body. However, it’s important to consider the following factors:

  1. Texture and Color Match: Pubic hair often has a different texture and color compared to facial hair, which might not blend seamlessly with the existing beard hair.
  2. Growth Characteristics: The growth rate and pattern of pubic hair can differ from facial hair, potentially leading to inconsistent results.
  3. Limited Donor Supply: The amount of available pubic hair might be insufficient for a full beard transplant.
  4. Professional Assessment: A skilled transplant surgeon can assess the suitability of using pubic hair for a beard transplant, considering the patient’s specific hair characteristics and transplant goals.

Typically, hair from the back of the scalp is preferred for beard transplants due to its similarity in texture and growth patterns to facial hair. It’s essential to consult with a qualified hair transplant specialist to determine the best approach for your needs.

Why get a mustache transplant?

A mustache transplant can do a lot of good things for you:

  1. Boosting your self-esteem is a key benefit of this procedure.
  2. Not only can it enhance the aesthetics of your face.
  3. It also results in a natural-looking mustache.
  4. The effects last a long time
  5. There’s hardly any scarring

Mustache Transplant Turkey

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What could go wrong with a Turkey mustache transplantation?

Just like any surgery, a mustache transplant comes with some risks and possible side effects. Here’s what might happen:

  1. You could get an infection
  2. There could be some bleeding
  3. Swelling might occur
  4. You might have some bruising
  5. Itching could be a problem
  6. There might be some scarring
  7. Numbness could happen

RELATED: DHI Hair Transplant

How do you take care of yourself after a mustache transplant?

After the surgery, you need to follow your doctor’s care tips to heal well and get good results. Here’s what you generally need to do:

  • Don’t touch the new hair for a few days.
  • Take it easy and avoid hard workouts for at least a week.
  • Stay out of the sun for about a month.
  • Use an antibiotic cream your doctor gives you to stop infections.
  • Take pain medicine if your doctor says you need it to feel better.

How Long Does it Take to See Results?

Patients can expect to see initial results within the first two to four months after the procedure. However, it can take up to a year for the mustache to grow fully and achieve the desired look.

Why pick Zty Health?

  1. Many Services: At Zty Health, you could get a lot of medical help. They might do things like cosmetic surgery, hair transplants, dental care, and basic health care. You can take care of many problems all in one place.
  2. Skilled Workers: Zty Health might have a team of really good doctors, surgeons, and staff. They know what they’re doing, so you can count on them to take good care of you.
  3. Top Tech: Zty Health might have the latest medical tech and gear. This means you get the newest and best treatments.
  4. Care for Patients: Zty Health could put you first. They might offer care plans just for you and a comfy place for treatment. They also might talk to you about your options and what to expect.
  5. Reviews: Zty Health might have a lot of happy past patients. Good reviews can make you feel better about getting treatment there.
  6. Prices: Zty Health might not charge a lot for their services. They might even help you pay for treatment over time. This could be good for procedures that insurance doesn’t cover.
  7. Easy to Get To: Zty Health might be in a good spot and easy to reach. This makes them a good choice for people who need medical help.


Can you dye or style your mustache after a transplant?

Once your new mustache hair is healed and grown, you can treat it like your own hair. That means you can dye or style it. But, you must wait until your doctor says it’s healed before you use any chemicals or do anything that might hurt the new hair. Remember, too much heat, harsh chemicals, or rough handling can hurt your natural and new hair. So, be careful with your mustache. Upper Lip Hair Transplant in Turkey

Can a mustache transplant fix a past one that didn’t work?

A mustache transplant can fix a past one that didn’t go well or make a bad-looking transplant look better. A good hair transplant expert can look at your situation and make a plan to fix it. This might mean moving more hair, taking out or moving old grafts, or doing other things to fix the problem.

How do you pick between FUE and FUT for your mustache transplant?

FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, and FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplantation, both have their good and bad points. With FUE, each hair follicle is taken out on its own. This leaves little scarring and you recover quicker. But with FUT, a strip of skin with hair follicles is taken from the donor spot. This can leave a scar you can see, but you may get more hair follicles this way.

Is there an age limit for a mustache transplant?

There isn’t a set age for getting a mustache transplant, but you should be at least 18. Young people may not have fully grown facial hair, so it’s hard to tell how the transplant will turn out. Talk to a hair transplant expert to see if you’re right for this procedure.

Can you change or undo a mustache transplant?

It’s hard to undo a mustache transplant, but you can change how it looks. If you’re not happy with it, talk to your doctor. They might be able to do more transplant work or use hair removal treatments like electrolysis or laser hair removal to get the look you want. Turkish Mustache Transplant

Can women get a mustache transplant?

Mustache transplants are mainly for men, but women can get them too. Some women might want a thicker mustache because they like how it looks or for gender confirmation. If you’re a woman who wants a mustache transplant, talk to a hair transplant expert to see if it’s right for you.

Will the place where the hair comes from be affected by the transplant?

The place where the hair is taken from, usually the back of your head, might be red and a bit sore after the hair is taken out. But if a skilled doctor does it using FUE or FUT methods, this place should heal fast. Any scars should be small and hidden by your hair.

Can you get a mustache transplant with other facial hair transplants?

Yes, you can get a mustache transplant at the same time as other facial hair transplants, like a beard or sideburns transplant. Doing more than one transplant can make your facial hair look more balanced and natural. Talk about what you want with your hair transplant doctor to decide the best way to do it.

How do I find a good mustache transplant doctor?

If you’re looking for a good mustache transplant doctor, start by looking at clinics that focus on hair restoration. Make sure the doctor is board-certified and has lots of experience with mustache transplants. They should also have a portfolio of successful transplants that you can look at. You could also ask your friends and family for suggestions or look at online reviews.