Hair Transplant in Turkey

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Hair transplant Turkey package is offered as all inclusive. It can be used with Fue, Fut or Dhi techniques. Package Included; Includes accommodation, airport pick-up, interpreter support, local transfer. You can make a fresh start by staying in Istanbul for only 4 days.

Table of Contents

What is the cost of a hair transplant?

Hair Transplant Turkey cost 2024 is 1800 Euro, all inclusive. This price is valid for 2024. Only the operation fee is 1500 euros. It does not include accommodation, local transfers and airport pick-ups. You do not need to pay a deposit before the operation. Discounts are made when performed with other surgeries. No hidden payments.

All Processes

1. Day

Welcoming our patients and placing them in their hotel. Zty Health is contracted with Cityloft Hotels.

2. Day

Second day is hair transplantation day. It takes between 6 and 8 hours on average. Return to the hotel after the operation is provided by ZTY health.

3. Day

On the 3rd day, you have to go hospital/clinic for sewing. Then you are free all day. If you want, you can visit the historical places of Istanbul.

4. Day

On the 4th day, your hair washing is done and doctor will be taught to you how to do it yourself. The necessary materials are delivered and then you are transferred to the airport to return to your country.

Procedure – Aftercare

Processing Time4-6 Hours
AnesthesiaLocal anesthesia
Length of stay in Turkey4 days
Is it permanentfor life
Intensity of painLow to medium (pain is subjective)
Risk profileLow
Hospitalizationnot required
Fit for workAfter 3 days (desktop activity)
Final Resultafter 8-12 months
First wash3 days later
Sexual intercourseAfter 2 weeks possible
First hair lossafter 1 month

Does the donor area grow back?

The donor area in hair transplantation, typically the back or sides of the scalp, does not “grow back” as the removed hair follicles are permanently taken. However, the remaining hair can often cover the area, making it less noticeable. The outcome largely depends on the surgeon’s skill in ensuring a natural look post-harvesting. Each person has a limited number of hair follicles, so strategic harvesting is key for a good cosmetic result.

The Root of the Matter: Understanding Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a kind of operation. It takes hair from one spot of your body, like the back or sides of your head, and moves it to a spot where you don’t have much hair or any at all. People do this mainly to get their hair to grow back and improve how they look.

Hair Transplant Techniques: FUT vs. FUE

There are two main types of hair transplant methods: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Both aim to make hair grow in places where it’s thinning or gone. But, they do it in different ways and some parts of the process are not the same.

Understanding Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

  • What it is: FUT is when a piece of skin with hair is taken from an area where you have a lot of hair, usually the back or sides of your head. This piece is then cut into smaller bits, each with one to four hairs, under a microscope. These small bits are then put in the area where you want more hair.
  • Scarring: FUT can leave a line-like scar on the area where the skin piece was taken from. This scar might be seen when you have short hair. But, usually, the hair around it can hide the scar.
  • Healing time: FUT can take more time to heal than FUE, as the area where the skin piece was taken from needs stitches and more time to get better.
  • Price: FUT usually costs less than FUE, as it doesn’t take as much time to do.
  • Who it’s good for: FUT works well for people who need a lot of hair moved or don’t have a lot of hair to give.

Understanding Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

  • What it is: In FUE, each hair is taken out one by one from an area where you have a lot of hair using a small tool. This leaves little scarring. The hairs are then put in the area where you want more hair, one at a time.
  • Scarring: FUE leaves less visible scars than FUT, because each spot where hair is taken from is small and spread out.
  • Healing time: FUE usually heals faster than FUT because it’s less harsh and doesn’t need stitches.
  • Price: FUE usually costs more than FUT, because it takes more work and time to do.
  • Who it’s good for: FUE is great for people who like having short hair, don’t have a lot of hair loss, or want to avoid a line-like scar.

Choosing between FUT and FUE depends on things like your hair type, how much hair you’ve lost, your budget, and what you want. It’s important to talk to a skilled and experienced hair doctor to figure out the best method for you.

RELATED: DHI Hair Transplant

Who Should Consider Getting a Hair Transplant?

  1. Men with Thinning Hair: Men with a common issue called androgenetic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, often get hair transplants. This issue makes hair fall out in a certain way, often starting at the top and sides of the head.
  2. Women with Thinning Hair: Women with a similar issue, also known as androgenetic alopecia, can also benefit from hair transplants. They often lose hair all over the top and sides of their head.
  3. Traction Alopecia: People who lose hair because they wear tight hairstyles like braids or ponytails might think about a hair transplant. These hairstyles pull on the hair and can make it fall out over time.
  4. Scarring Alopecia: Some people lose hair because of scars from injuries, burns, or certain skin issues. A hair transplant can help hair grow back in these areas.
  5. After Cancer Treatment: People who lost hair from cancer treatments like chemotherapy or radiation and it didn’t grow back well might think about a hair transplant.
  6. Eyebrow and Eyelash Restoration: If people have thin or no eyebrows or eyelashes because of genes, plucking too much, or medical issues, hair transplants can help. These are specially done for these areas.

Good Things About Hair Transplants

  • Looks Natural: One big plus of hair transplants is that the results look real. The new hair grows the same way as the hair around it, blending in well.
  • Lasts Forever: Hair transplants are seen as a lasting fix for hair loss. The new hair is usually not affected by the things that make hair fall out. Once it starts growing, it should keep going for life.
  • Boosts Confidence: Losing hair can make people feel bad about how they look. A good hair transplant can help them feel better by making them look younger with more hair.
  • Little Scarring: Methods like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) leave very small scars that are hard to see and hidden by hair.
  • Easy to Care for: The new hair is cared for just like the rest of your hair. You don’t need any special products for it.
  • Made for You: Hair transplants can be changed to fit what you need and want. This makes sure you get what’s best for you.
  • No Need for Extras: Hair transplants are a long-term fix, so you don’t need things like wigs or hairpieces anymore.

Before After





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How do they do a hair transplant?

Hair transplants are done in a few ways, but the most usual methods are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Here’s a quick look at how they do each method:

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):

  • Getting Ready: The person’s head is cleaned well. Then, a drug that numbs the skin is put on the area where hair will be taken and where it will be put.
  • Taking the Hair: A piece of skin with hair on it is taken from a part of the head where hair is thicker, usually the back or sides.
  • Closing the Area: The spot where the skin was taken is closed with stitches. This leaves a thin scar that is usually hidden by hair around it.
  • Splitting the Hair: The skin piece is looked at under a microscope and split into units that have one to four hairs each.
  • Getting Ready to Put Hair: Small cuts are made in the area where hair will be put to make room for the units of hair.
  • Putting the Hair: The units of hair are put carefully into the cuts. They are put in a way that matches how the person’s hair naturally grows.
  • After the Operation: The person is told how to take care of the areas. They might need to come back to have stitches taken out and check how the skin is healing.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

  • Getting Ready: The person’s head is cleaned well. Then, a drug that numbs the skin is put on the area where hair will be taken and where it will be put.
  • Taking the Hair: Each hair is taken out one by one from a part of the head where hair is thicker. This leaves very small scars.
  • Getting Ready to Put Hair: Small cuts are made in the area where hair will be put to make room for the hairs.
  • Putting the Hair: The hairs are put carefully into the cuts. They are put in a way that matches how the person’s hair naturally grows.
  • After the Operation: The person is told how to take care of the areas. They might need to come back to check how the skin is healing and how the hair is growing.

What method is used depends on things like how the person’s hair is, how much hair they have lost, and how good the doctor is. How long it takes to get better and how good the results are can change based on the method and things about the person.

RELATED: Unshaven Hair Transplant

Hair transplant risks:

  • Infection (rare, follow post-op care).
  • Bleeding (expected, report excessive bleeding).
  • Swelling (temporary, manage with cold compresses).
  • Scarring (possible, fades over time).
  • Numbness (temporary, resolves within weeks/months).
  • Folliculitis (treatable with medication).
  • Shock loss (temporary hair loss, regrows in months).
  • Unsatisfactory results (possible due to various factors).

hair transplant turkey asian

asian 2

asian 3

What is Hair Transplant Asian

A hair transplant for an Asian person refers to when this operation is done on someone of Asian heritage. Here’s what it involves:

  • Asian Hair Traits: Asian hair is often thicker and straighter than that of other ethnic groups. It also usually has more round follicles. Plus, there may be fewer hair follicles for every square inch of scalp. These features can affect how the transplant is done.
  • Donor Hair: Just like any other hair transplant, the outcome depends on how good and how much donor hair there is. For Asians, this hair usually comes from the back of the head.
  • Visibility of Scalp: Because Asian hair is straighter and has fewer follicles, you might see the scalp more. The transplant must consider this to make the hair look naturally dense and well-covered.
  • Designing the Hairline: How the hairline is shaped during a transplant is very important. This can differ a lot between ethnic groups. For many Asians, the hairline is often round or straight, which can affect how the transplant is done.
  • Transplant Methods: The main ways of doing a hair transplant are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). The method used will depend on what the patient needs and what the doctor suggests.

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Why should I choose Turkey for a hair transplant?

Turkey is well-liked for hair transplants because:

  • The doctors have a lot of experience.
  • The prices are good.
  • The clinics are very modern.
  • They offer full-service packages.
  • You can also enjoy a trip.
  • Many people have said good things about their experience.

Please note: It’s always important to do your own research and make sure that the clinic and doctor you choose are reputable and have a proven track record of successful outcomes.

Why should I choose ZTY Health agency for a hair transplant?

ZTY Health specializes in hair transplants and other treatments in Turkey. Here’s why you might choose them:

  • They know what they’re doing.
  • Convenient packages for an easy experience.
  • Personalized care based on your needs.
  • They work with top-quality clinics and surgeons.
  • They speak your language.
  • Aftercare support for a smooth recovery.

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How many hair transplant sessions will I need?

The number of hair transplant sessions required can change depending on the amount of hair loss, your personal goals, and the technique used. Some people get the results they want in one session, while others might need more if they have a bigger area to cover or if they keep losing hair. Your doctor will talk about your specific situation and give you an idea of how many sessions you might need to get the results you want.

When thinking about getting a hair transplant in Turkey, it’s super important to do your research, pick a good clinic and doctor, and follow all the instructions before and after the surgery. By doing these things, you can have a successful hair transplant and feel more confident about how you look.

Can I undergo a hair transplant if I have gray hair?

No strict age limit for baldness treatment in Turkey. Surgeons usually recommend waiting until around 25 when hair loss stabilizes. Talk to your doctor to know if it’s right for you based on your age and hair situation.

What is the aftercare process like following a hair transplant?

The steps you need to take care of yourself after getting a hair transplant in Turkey are usually:

  • Managing Pain: You may get medicine from your doctor to help with any pain after the operation.
  • Drugs to Stop Infections and Swelling: You might be given medicine to stop infections and reduce any swelling.
  • Taking Care of Wounds: You’ll learn how to clean and bandage the area where the hair was taken and where it was put.
  • How to Sleep: You may need to sleep with your head raised for a few days after the operation to help lessen swelling.
  • Washing and Styling Hair: Your doctor will tell you when you can start washing your hair again and how to do it gently. Avoid using strong chemicals, styling products, or heat treatments for a few weeks.
  • What You Can Do: You should stay away from hard activities, like working out and lifting heavy things, for at least two weeks after the operation. Ask your doctor what you can and can’t do.
  • Checkups: Go to all the checkups your doctor schedules to see how you’re doing and talk about any worries or issues.
  • Remember: You should always follow your doctor’s advice to get the best results.

Is there an age limit for undergoing a hair transplant?

There’s no hard and fast age rule for getting a hair transplant in Turkey. But, most doctors suggest waiting until you’re at least 25 so that your hair loss pattern is stable. If you’re too young, you might keep losing hair after the surgery and need more treatments later. It’s super important to chat with your doctor to see if a hair transplant is a good fit for you based on your age and what’s going on with your hair.

Can a hair transplant help with hairline restoration?

Yes, hair transplants can help fix a hairline. Many people get hair transplants to deal with a hairline that is moving back or to make a nicer shape. When you meet with your doctor, they will talk about what you want and make a plan just for you to fix your hairline based on what you need and like.

Can women undergo hair transplant procedures in Turkey?

Yes, women can get hair transplants in Turkey. Hair loss is often associated with men, but a lot of women also experience hair loss and thinning hair. The methods for hair transplants in women might be a bit different than in men, because of different hair loss patterns and goals. It’s very important to talk with a good doctor who knows about women’s hair transplants to talk about what you want and can do.

How can I maintain the results of my hair transplant?

Here are some tips to help keep the good results of your hair transplant:

  • Make sure you do everything your doctor tells you to do after the operation.
  • Stay healthy by eating well, working out regularly, and drinking plenty of water.
  • Don’t smoke or drink a lot of alcohol, as these can harm your hair.
  • Keep your scalp safe from the sun by wearing a hat or using sunscreen.
  • Be careful with your hair and don’t wear hairstyles that pull or damage your hair.
  • Think about using treatments to stop hair loss, like minoxidil or finasteride, if your doctor or a skin doctor suggests it.
  • Please remember: You should always follow your doctor’s advice to get the best results.

Will I need to return to Turkey for follow-up appointments?

Based on the place and doctor, you might need to go back to Turkey for check-ups to see how you’re doing and make sure you’re healing right. Some places offer check-ups over video calls or might work with doctors where you live. It’s very important to talk about how check-ups will happen with your doctor before the surgery and plan for it.

What is the success rate of hair transplants in Turkey?

The success of hair transplants in Turkey largely depends on the doctor’s skill and experience, and the technique used. Usually, these surgeries work about 90% to 95% of the time. But, each person is different, and it’s important to know what to expect and talk about possible results with your doctor.

Can I combine my hair transplant with a vacation in Turkey?

Many people like to mix their hair implantation with a holiday in Turkey. The country has a lot of culture, pretty views, and nice beaches, so travelers like it. But, don’t forget that you need time to rest and get better after the surgery. Ask your doctor when it’s okay to start doing tourist things, and plan your trip that way. Always follow the doctor’s advice after the surgery and put your health and getting better first during your trip.

What should I consider when planning my trip to Turkey for a hair transplant?

Here’s what you should think about when planning your trip to Turkey for a hair transplant:

  • Pick the Right Clinic and Doctor: Research to find a trusted clinic and a doctor with a lot of experience.
  • Get a Price Estimate: Ask the clinic for a detailed list of what you’ll have to pay for, including things like where you’ll stay, how you’ll get around, and any medicine you’ll need.
  • Prepare Travel Documents: Make sure your passport is valid and find out if you need a visa to go to Turkey.
  • Plan Time Off Work: Make sure you have enough time off work for the operation, time to heal, and any checkups.
  • Get Travel Insurance: It’s smart to get travel insurance that pays for medical costs and any problems with your trip, like if you have to cancel or delay it.
  • Arrange Care After the Operation: Plan for anything you’ll need after the operation, like where you’ll stay, how you’ll get around, and any medicine or supplies you’ll need.
  • Pack the Right Clothes: Bring clothes that are comfortable and easy to take off and put on without bothering your scalp.

Is it safe to travel to Turkey for a hair transplant?

Turkey is often viewed as a safe destination for medical trips, such as hair transplants. But, you should still look into and choose trusted clinics and doctors to make sure you’re safe and the treatment is good. It’s also smart to know about any travel warnings and follow normal travel safety tips, like keeping your stuff safe and knowing where you are.

How long does a hair transplant procedure take in Turkey?

The time for a hair transplant in Turkey depends on the technique used and the number of hairs moved. Usually, it can take from 4 to 8 hours, but it might be longer for harder cases. Your doctor will give you a better idea of the time during your visit.

Are the results of a hair transplant in Turkey permanent?

Hair grafting results in Turkey can last forever because the new hair roots are often strong against the hormone that leads to hair loss. But, the surgery may not stop more hair loss around those areas. Some people might need more surgeries or medical care to keep the look they want.

What is the recovery time after a hair transplant?

How long it takes to feel better after a hair transplant can change based on the way it’s done and the person. Usually, patients might see some redness, swelling, and feel a bit of pain for a few days after the surgery. Most people can return to work after a week. However, they should avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks. It can take between 6 to 12 months to fully recover and see the new hair growth.

How to select the correct clinic and surgeon in Turkey?

To pick the right clinic and doctor in Turkey, you could look at pictures of their past work. Talking to people who have had a transplant there before can also be helpful.

Why is Turkey a popular destination for hair transplant procedures?

Turkey is a well-liked place for hair restoration surgeries. This is because they have very good doctors, the cost is low, and their clinics are modern. Also, people from Europe, the Middle East, and Asia find it easy to travel to Turkey.