Gynecomastia Surgery in Turkey

Gynecomastia (Gyno) is an excessive growth of breast tissue in men, commonly referred to as “man boobs” or “moobs”. Which can result in significant embarrassment and loss of self-confidence. Gynecomastia surgery is a procedure designed to reduce the size of male breasts caused by the condition known as gynecomastia. Different techniques can be used to change the shape of the chest depending on how severe the condition is. Combination treatment with liposuction and/or surgical excision is often suggested to remove glandular tissue and extra fat in the chest area.

How much male breast reduction surgery costs

The Cost of gynecomastia turkey price starts from 3000 euros. Valid for 2024. This package includes a hotel stay, transportation, a corset, and hospital fees. The hotel operates on a bed and breakfast concept. Evening meals are the responsibility of our patients. Patients will cover the costs of the medications given after surgery.

Gyno Procedure – Aftercare

Duration1 – 1,5 Hour
Length of stay in hospital1 Night
Corset Should Be Worn For3 Weeks
Pain and DiscomfortPartially
Returning to Work3 Days
First Bath3 Days
Full Recovery1 Month
Will A New Surgery Be Needed?No
Exercise – Cardio30 Days
Will there be any scar?Almost Invisible

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is when a male’s breast tissue swells or grows larger. This can happen because of a change in hormone levels, with either more estrogen or less testosterone in the body. It can happen at any age, even in newborns, teenagers, or adults. This growth can be in one or both breasts and might cause pain or sensitivity.

How do you test for gynecomastia?

Testing for gynecomastia, a condition characterized by enlarged breast tissue in males, typically involves a combination of a physical examination and medical history review, possibly supplemented by diagnostic tests. Here’s how it’s generally done:

  • Physical Examination: The doctor will examine the breast tissue to determine its consistency, size, and whether there is any tenderness. They’ll check for signs of glandular tissue, which is firm and disk-like, as opposed to fatty tissue, which is softer.
  • Medical History: A thorough review of the patient’s medical history, including any medications, medical conditions, and family history of breast cancer or hormonal disorders.
  • Blood Tests: To check hormone levels and rule out potential causes of hormonal imbalance.
  • Imaging Tests: In some cases, imaging tests like an ultrasound or mammogram may be used to further evaluate the breast

tissue and distinguish gynecomastia from other possible conditions, such as a breast tumor.

Biopsy: Rarely, if there’s suspicion of breast cancer, a biopsy may be performed where a small tissue sample is taken for analysis.
It’s important to diagnose gynecomastia accurately as it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health issue. A healthcare provider can determine the best approach based on the individual’s specific situation.


  • Hormone Changes: A main cause is a shift in estrogen and testosterone levels.
  • Medications: Some medicines, like steroids or antidepressants, can cause it.
  • Health Issues: Conditions like kidney failure or liver disease might lead to gynecomastia.
  • Substance Abuse: Using drugs or alcohol can change hormone levels, causing it.
  • Aging: Men might develop gynecomastia as hormone levels change with age.
  • Genetics: In certain cases, family history can increase the risk.
  • Obesity: Higher body fat can raise estrogen levels, potentially leading to gynecomastia.
  • Puberty: Boys can temporarily experience it due to hormone fluctuations during puberty.
  • Klinefelter Syndrome: This genetic condition can cause it, among other symptoms.
  • Herbal Products: Some plant-based products can be a cause, due to their estrogen content.

What are the benefits ?

  • Removes extra breast tissue
  • Cuts down excess fat
  • Tightens chest if needed
  • Helps attain a firmer, more manly chest shape
  • Aids in balancing chest muscles
  • Enhances self-esteem
  • Expands clothing choices, including snug outfits
  • Eases pain from large breast tissue

Am I suitable?

To find out if you’re a good candidate for gyno surgery, it’s best to talk to a surgeon in Turkey in person. This surgery is great for men aiming for a better chest shape and improved self-esteem. It’s mainly for those who are healthy and have firm skin. The process can include liposuction or surgical cuts to reshape the chest, helping men of all ages feel better about their looks. It’s a popular choice among young, fit men who are concerned about their chest shape, and older men above 40 wanting to shed fat and saggy skin.

If you have large breasts or puffy nipples, especially after losing a lot of weight, this might be a good option for you. The surgery removes extra skin and reshapes the chest, often combined with liposuction. Meeting a surgeon face-to-face can help decide if this is right for you.

How to prepare?

During the consultation, the doctor will assess your gynecomastia. They’ll check your medical history and do a physical exam. You will discuss your goals and expectations together. It is key to remember that surgery outcomes might vary. Your surgeon will provide preparation steps before surgery. This includes eating well, quitting smoking for four weeks, and fasting as instructed. Avoiding smoking is crucial for better healing post-surgery. Following these guidelines will help you achieve the best results.

What male breast reduction involves

First, the doctor might use liposuction. This method sucks out extra fat from the chest using a small tube. It helps give the chest a defined look. Next, they may remove extra glandular tissue or skin. This step uses small cuts near the areola or chest creases to lessen scar visibility. Sometimes, skin tightening is done to get a firmer chest, especially if the skin is loose due to weight loss or aging.

The doctor can also suggest ways to make the chest muscles more symmetrical. This gives a balanced and attractive look. The procedure is customized for each person. This means the results look natural and match what the patient wants.


Recovery from gynecomastia surgery involves some steps. Firstly, patients need to rest and stay away from hard activities. This helps the body heal well. At first, the surgery area might be swollen or bruised. This will get better with time. Patients usually wear a tight garment for a while. This helps reduce swelling and shapes the chest. Any pain can be handled with medicines from the doctor.

Also, taking care of the surgery wounds is very important. This includes cleaning the wounds and using special creams as directed. Patients can slowly start doing light exercises again, getting more active as time goes on, as the doctor says. The doctor will set up regular check-ups to see how the healing is going. The recovery time is vital to get the best results from the surgery. Following the doctor’s advice closely during this time is key.


Risks and complications

  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia
  • Bleeding
  • Blood clot formation
  • Infections
  • Uneven chest wall
  • Too much tissue removal causing a ‘scooped out’ look
  • Changes in nipple feeling
  • Big scars
  • Uneven chest
  • Needing another surgery

Understanding these risks will help you make an informed decision.

What to do if you have problems

If you encounter problems or complications after gynecomastia surgery, here are some steps you might take:

  • Contact Your Surgeon: At the first sign of any issue, get in touch with your surgeon or the healthcare team that assisted with your procedure. They can provide advice or ask you to come in for a check-up.
  • Follow Medical Advice: Always adhere to the medical advice given by your healthcare provider. They might prescribe medications or suggest other treatments to manage your symptoms.
  • Seek a Second Opinion: If you are not satisfied with the guidance or treatment plan suggested by your surgeon, don’t hesitate to seek a second opinion from another experienced healthcare provider.
  • Emergency Care: In case of a severe issue, such as excessive bleeding or signs of a serious infection, seek emergency medical attention immediately.
  • Document Your Symptoms: Keeping a detailed record of your symptoms, including taking photos if necessary, can be helpful. This information can assist your healthcare provider in understanding and addressing your concerns.
  • Rest and Recover: Give your body the time it needs to heal. Avoid strenuous activities that might exacerbate your problems.
  • Seek Support: Consider reaching out to support groups or online communities where you can connect with others who have undergone similar procedures. They might offer advice or share their own experiences in handling post-operative complications.

Remember, it’s crucial to work closely with your healthcare provider to address any problems or complications promptly and effectively.

Why should I choose ZTY Health ?

ZTY Health is an excellent choice for gyno surgery. Their team of highly trained and experienced surgeons provide exceptional care, leading to successful outcomes for their patients. They are dedicated to providing comprehensive care and quality results, with a focus on safety and patient satisfaction. They also offer a wide range of services, from minimally invasive and laparoscopic procedures to comprehensive treatments. In addition, they offer a variety of payment options, making it easier to fit your medical expenses into your budget. With their commitment to excellence, ZTY Health is a great choice for gyno surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will gynaecomastia go away without surgery?

Gynecomastia is a condition that can occur during puberty, and usually resolves on its own. For adult men, weight loss and exercise can help manage the appearance, but surgery may be necessary for more severe cases.

Can gynecomastia grow back after surgery? 

Gynecomastia surgery can provide permanent results, however, in some cases, significant weight gain, hormonal fluctuations, or steroid use can cause the recurrence of gynecomastia.

What happens if gynecomastia is left untreated? 

Gynecomastia is generally safe to leave untreated, although there is a very small risk of developing breast cancer. Most men with untreated gynecomastia suffer from physical and psychological distress.

What is the best age for gynecomastia surgery?

The best age for gynecomastia surgery depends on the individual patient’s circumstances. Generally, gynecomastia surgery is best performed after puberty when the breast tissue has fully developed. This is because it is easier to remove the excess tissue when it is fully developed. It is important to note that some patients may develop gynecomastia later in life, and in these cases, surgery can also be performed. Ultimately, the best age for gynecomastia surgery should be based on the individual patient’s needs and the advice of a qualified medical professional.

Is Istanbul a safe place for surgery?

Turkey is growing as a hot spot for medical tourism, especially for surgeries. Thanks to its modern hospitals, top-notch doctors, and advanced treatments, it’s seen as a safe place for medical procedures. Patients can enjoy low-cost, high-quality care there. Turkish medical centers are also known for putting patient safety first, with strict safety rules in place. This focus on safety and affordability makes Turkey a rising star in the world of medical tourism.

What are the benefits of selecting Turkey for gynecomastia surgery?

Turkey is a top choice for gynecomastia surgery. It boasts world-class healthcare, expert surgeons, and affordable treatments. Turkish doctors are skilled in this field, using the latest tech for good results. The country’s low treatment costs make it a popular option for many. Plus, Turkey is known for quality healthcare and provides a calm, comfortable recovery setting.

When can I lift my arms after gynecomastia surgery?

For the first 5-7 days after surgery, patients should wear tops that button or zip up to avoid lifting their arms overhead, which can limit arm movement. They should steer clear of exercises involving arm movement for at least two weeks. Heavy lifting or straining the healing area should be avoided. Also, patients must not do activities with sudden or jerky arm movements, as this can hamper healing.

How do you sleep after gyno surgery?

In order to minimize swelling, it is recommended to sleep on your back while elevated with one or two pillows. Strenuous activity and heavy lifting should be avoided. The dressing should be removed after 48 hours. It is important to ice the area for 20 minutes at a time, 3-4 times a day, for the first few days. If any signs of infection occur, such as increased redness, swelling, warmth, or drainage, then the doctor should be contacted immediately. It is also important to keep the wound clean and dry, and to keep a close eye on it for any signs of complications.

How long after Gyno surgery Can I shower?

It is advised to take a shower on the second day after surgery and gently pat the incisions dry. Taking a bath or swimming should be avoided for at least 3 weeks after surgery.

If you are bandaged, your doctor will advise you when and how to change the bandages. You should also avoid lifting heavy objects, exercising and any physical activity that could put strain on the incision as it could cause the incision to open and bleed. It is also advised that you keep the incisions clean and dry to help prevent infection.

What results can I expect after surgery?

You can see results right after gynecomastia surgery. But swelling might hide the true results for up to six weeks. You can expect the final look between 3 to 6 months, with normal scarring. To prevent big scars, follow the after-surgery instructions closely. Over time, scars will turn into thin white lines. The cuts are made in the body’s natural folds to keep them hidden.

Is gynecomastia dangerous?

Gynecomastia isn’t usually dangerous. It’s a common issue where men’s breasts enlarge, but it’s not often linked to severe health problems like cancer. However, it can cause stress and embarrassment, affecting social interactions and relationships. It might even influence the clothes they choose to wear, avoiding situations like going shirtless at the beach.

Before thinking about surgery, men should maintain a healthy weight and quit using recreational drugs, including cannabis, for at least 4-6 months. They should also be of an age where their breasts have fully developed. It’s worth exploring other treatment options if the breasts are still growing. It’s vital to have realistic expectations and to consider quitting smoking before proceeding with any plans.

Do you need drains for gyno surgery?

Using drains for gyno surgery isn’t always needed.

The choice depends on the surgery’s size and complexity. For bigger surgeries, drains might be used more often. Yet, sometimes they can be skipped, based on the surgeon’s judgment and the patient’s situation and wishes. This decision is made individually for each case.

How many days rest after gynecomastia surgery?

After gynecomastia surgery, patients usually rest for a few days. Avoid hard activities for two weeks. You can start light cardio and lower body workouts after two weeks. But don’t push yourself too much. Increase your activity level slowly. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods. See your doctor regularly to check your healing progress and address any issues early.

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